Hello again!! So, here's the newest thing in my life: Tyler is back in the country! FOR GOOD! :) And the craziest part is that having him with me totally feels new. Being able to call him whenever I want, not having to figure out what time it is for him, going to his house and he's actually there, being able to make eye contact while we have conversations....its amazing what you take for granted. But I appreciate all those things so much more now that he's home. And we've just had a blast. It's so neat to see how different our relationship is after all that God has taught us this year.
situations God leads us to in order to make us grow. And I do feel like we definitely grew this year.
Plus, it's hilarious all the things that he is adjusting to. Just a few examples:
- We went to Albertsons last night to rent a movie and buy snacks, and he could not believe how "short and fat" the soda bottles were. He swears they didn't look like that a year ago. (They did.)
- Being able to eat hot sauce with meals. He puts it on EVERYTHING.
- There is no tax in England, so whenever he buys something, he gets really confused and then really frustrated that he has to pay tax.
- Driving on the right side of the road. There have been many, many times in the past few days that he's started driving on the wrong side and I panic and yell "wrong side! wrong side!" That's definitely been an adventure.
Overall though, it has just been amazing. As expected, there's been some hardship. I mean, being apart for a year and then suddenly living in the same town...it almost feels weird at some points. Today, we got coffee and as I walked up to the shop and saw him sitting outside, for a split second, I tried to convince myself it wasn't him because I'm so used to it not being him. To not seeing him around town. And then there's the reality that our lives have been separate for a year. Him in England, me in Azusa, with different friends, stories, experiences, living situations, lifestyles, cultures....all of it was different. But I think it's led to a lot of growing and understanding each other better. Understanding how we react to certain things and learning to be patient with one another. It's amazing to see what
Tyler and I were talking about it last night and he was just saying what an incredible journey we're on. To have this opportunity to test our love. To stick it out when it's not easy and outlast those hardships. And as hard as this last year was, I really believe God uses waiting time as growing time. As preparation time. He was preparing both of our hearts for something--I believe, something big--and Tyler & I needed to be separated by an ocean in order to be open to that growth. Of course, this is easy to say now that this year is over and we made it :) , but I'm glad we had to endure this trial. I have learned the value in trusting the Lord, how faithful He is when you run to Him, and that He is mighty to save no matter what. God is bigger than the Atlantic Ocean. He's bigger than doubts and fears and pain. It doesn't matter how bleak or impossible your situation may seem; God is mighty to save.
"The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing." -Zephaniah 3:17
I can't talk about this last year without talking about the Lord. His goodness and faithfulness. With everything...school, friendships, family, Tyler, figuring out my future. Everything. God is mighty to save.
P.S. Just to completely change modes: Eric & Sarah got married! It was the most beautiful wedding in the entire world and the Lord was just completely glorified through it all. That's how I want my wedding to be...just lifting Him up. I don't think I've ever seen two people more in love and I'm so excited for them! Congrats, Mr. & Mrs. Holmstrom! :)