I had a lot of great things happen this weekend. My sister's soccer team won their championship game, which was super exciting. I got to see a lot of family (my immediate family and extended, on both sides) and I got to go to Lake Arrowhead for a night. However, I think the biggest highlight has been my AC group.
Friday night, we had the Alpha banquet and then we all had a big sleepover at one girl's house...it was sooo much fun. They all are just so uniquely beautiful and hilarious. And then tonight, we kidnapped Amanda (our leader) and took her to BJ's where we had pazooki and gave her a scrapbook we made. We were there for almost two hours, sharing memories, eating good food, and laughing our faces off. We had an "ugly faces" photo shoot for about 20 minutes, and that somehow led to a dance party in the middle of BJ's. We then went into the parking lot to finish our dance party and have Amanda give us an INCREDIBLE demonstration of "crumping". It was probably the most I've laughed all semester.
When I was in the car with some girls driving home tonight, I said "Man, I haven't laughed this hard since the banquet!" Which is funny since that was only two days ago, but those two nights with these wonderful people have been some of the highlights of this semester. I was just writing in my journal, thanking God for putting each of them into my life. My heart feels so full right now and it's because of them. :)

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