After a crazy week of homework, tests, and papers, I have some spare time today to update you all on the little things that have happened. One thing that’s hard about this trip is there’s always so much going on and so many fun things we do, that I feel like I have to pick only the best things to share….which I guess is a pretty good problem to have :) But today I have some extra time!

Every Friday, we have chapel that is called “Kwazi Africa” which means “About Africa” and we are so blessed to have speakers from all over the African continent come in and speak to us. Last week, we had Sean Wisedale come in and talk. For those of you don’t know (I sure didn’t), he is the first African summit the highest peaks on all 7 continents, including Mt. Everest. He is hired by companies and magazines such as National Geographic to do photography on these mountains and his story was amazing. He has a book and DVD of his work, both called “Freeze Frame” and he’s definitely worth checking out.
And today, we had Clementine come speak to us, and she is a survivor of the Rwandan genocide in the 1990s. She was such a beautiful woman and had the most inspirational story. The thing that struck me the most though was how much she kept talking about “God protecting His people” and “God having a plan” despite everything she had been through. Her faith in the Lord was insurmountable and her life is a true testimony to His goodness. It was amazing, just hearing what she went through to get where she is now.
In other news, in case I haven’t made this apparent enough, I absolutely love it here. South Africa is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in the world and I just feel so blessed to be here. Our Intercultural Communication professor said recently, “Every time I leave this continent, the thing I miss most is the vibrancy of Africa.” It’s so true. That is the perfect way to describe this country. It’s vibrant and alive and joyful. I just love it so much and am so thankful that I get to embark on this journey.
And want to say a special thank you to my parents for supporting me and letting me do this! For helping me get everything I need for these 4 months and having enough faith to let me go. Thank you! I love you!
With love from South Africa,
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