Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jesus is blog worthy

I'll be's been weird to blog this summer. Ever since I've been home from South Africa. It just feels like I don't really have anything "blog worthy" to say. I guess after that trip--where every day was a new adventure--being in Ventura doesn't seem as exciting. At least, not exciting enough to write it down and post it for everyone to read.

But looking back, it has been a good summer. Not necessarily because of great vacations or awesome time with friends (which is normally how I judge my summer) but because of my growth in the Lord. I've met with Him in ways I have never experienced before and it is so sweet.

I went with my family to Arizona a couple weeks ago, and while we were there we took a day trip to the Grand Canyon. It was unbelievable. God's beauty just WOWED me. And when we were driving back to our hotel that night, I kept replaying those images in my head...images of one of God's most beautiful creations...while I was listening to "All I Need is You" by Hillsong. And I realized that although there are some things in my life that I don't understand or like, I have a personal relationship with the God who created the Grand Canyon. The God of the universe knows my name, knows every detail about me. I'll be the first to admit that I get caught up in the things of this world, but Jesus really is the only one I need. I mean, if He could create something that vast and beautiful, He surely can handle the little situations in my life.

I read this verse the other day and have been thinking about it a lot lately: "Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written." -John 21:25

That is so crazy to me. We don't even know the magnitude of Jesus' life on earth, and the little we do know is more than enough to bring us to our knees. Amazing. This is our God. Let us fall at His feet and worship Him.

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