Monday, November 29, 2010

Where I'm At

I got this idea from my friend’s blog, and she got the idea from about 3 other people. I guess it’s becoming a blogging theme. I liked the idea though. Stopping, taking inventory. Using minimal words. Eliminating the fluff of life and simplifying it down to the basics.

This is where I’m at right now:

I’m sitting in my kitchen in Seattle, watching Katie Hill create another masterpiece of a meal. Tonight’s chili is sure to be a wonderful contrast to the 40 degree weather outside.

Joe Purdy is playing in the background. I’ve been enjoying a lot of mellow music lately. I feel like life is so busy and somehow, playing calm music just slows everything down.

The sun came out for a bit yesterday, and it wasn’t until I could feel it on my back that I realized how much I miss it.

I am 9 days from completing my first quarter as an SPU student. That flew by.

Lately, I’ve been learning a lot about how difficult it is to be loving and gracious, but also how necessary it is.

I have a headache right now, which is just making me less motivated to do homework. Praying for more snow days. Maybe just until finals are over? :)

I’m excited to go to Reality over Christmas break. I feel like I encounter the Lord in amazing ways when I’m there, and it just seems like this is how church is to be done.

I’ve been more and more thankful for my friends lately. Those precious people in your life who just completely understand you and love you for who you are…I’m realizing not everyone has that, and I’m thankful that God has been so gracious to provide those relationships in my life.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Enthusiasm for the King

"As we seek to find out why, with such millions of Christians, the real army of God that is fighting with hosts of darkness is so small, the only answer is---lack of heart. The enthusiasm of the kingdom is missing. And that is because there is so little enthusiasm for the King."
-Andrew Murray

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

A Thankful Heart

It’s Thanksgiving time again! Although, as Megan says, Mother Nature seems to have boycotted it and gone straight to Christmas because it is a winter wonderland outside!! We got so much snow this week, resulting in 3 snow days! J Being my first snow days ever, it’s been incredibly fun. And (minus the one class I went to on Monday) I don’t have class all week so it’s basically a vacation here.

It’s fun living somewhere that snows. Of course I’ve seen snow before, but it’s always been on vacation or winter camp. This is my first time being in a city when it snows. And it’s the first time that the things I see every day, all the places I go and all the houses on my street are just covered in snow. My daily routine was suddenly planted at the North Pole. I don’t know…it’s hard to explain but it’s a very new and exciting experience J

Alright, enough about the snow! Back to Thanksgiving.

I just re-read my Thanksgiving blog from last year and it’s so interesting how things change. I’m still thankful for all those things I wrote down, but reading it again, the thing that I’ve found myself most thankful for this year is how much I’ve grown since last year. So many amazing things happened in the last 12 months that have caused so much sweet change in my life. Change I never would have expected, but that has been such a blessing.

This year, I’m thankful for family and friends. I’m thankful for the gifts God has given me. I’m thankful to be in Seattle. But most of all, I am just so thankful for the ways I’ve met the Lord this year. I think about how many things He’s taught me and I can’t believe it’s only been a year. He has enlightened the eyes of my heart, given me more of the Holy Spirit, and taught me about His faithfulness. There has been a relentless pursuit to love me and grow me into the woman He wants me to be. I’m learning more about who that woman really is and how that will affect the plans He has for me. It’s incredibly exciting. And I’m thankful for all those things. I’m thankful that He has chosen to open my eyes and soften my heart towards Him. It’s been a beautiful experience.

Far too often, I’m incredibly selfish and focused on all the things I don’t have. All the things that I’ve convinced myself I “need” but when I really think about it, I am blessed beyond anything I could have asked for. During this wonderful Thanksgiving week, let’s focus on all the blessing He’s given to us. That anything we have to be thankful for, we only have because He chose to bless us with it.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday nights

Normally, Sunday nights are a bummer. I would say this goes across the board for most people, kids and adults alike. Because with Monday morning comes school or work and 5 long days you have to get through before you can sleep in again. However, this particular Sunday night, I feel so excited for the coming week. Here's why...

Monday: my Global and Urban Ministry class, which I enjoy. And then in my history class, we're watching a movie. Easy peasy.

Tuesday: Argumentation class, but I did my final debate last week so all I have to do is sit and watch other people do it. And breath multiple sighs of relief that I'm done.

Wednesday: All my classes are cancelled :) LAZY DAY! So I can do anything. I'll probably sleep in, maybe read a little Redeeming Love (which I started again tonight, very intentionally because I knew I would get sucked in and this week, I actually have time to get sucked in). Wednesday night, the roomies are going to a Thanksgiving service at church, which I think will be great. Spending the evening praising God for all his blessings. Sounds so sweet :)

Thursday: THANKSGIVING!!! Do I really need to say more? Katie and I bought groceries yesterday, and ever since, I have just been craving Thanksgiving dinner. Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, yams...oh man. I can't wait. I can't wait.

Friday: Recoup after an insane amount of food, maybe do a little Black Friday shopping? Not sure. Friday also marks the day that I'm allowed to decorate the house for Christmas!!! I can put out the Christmas lights, play Christmas's going to be fantastic. And I get to spend Friday night with Hilary, Melissa, and Angie, three dear friends from South Africa!!! I absolutely cannot wait to see these girls. Being with anyone from SA feels like family, and I am just so excited to hang out and talk with them. Soooo so so excited :)

Saturday: Katie and I want to venture somewhere to find snow!!!! You can see the mountains from our house, and they are just covered in it! It's too tempting to ignore, so hopefully we'll find somewhere good!

See what I mean? With a week like that, Sunday nights aren't that bad...

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Forgotten God"

“When the Holy Spirit moves, God is the one praised. Jesus is the one lifted up. When the Spirit moved at Pentecost, people knew there was a power present that came from God. That’s why they didn’t leave saying, “John is amazing! He learned a new language in a matter of seconds!” They knew it had to be God. Let’s pray that God would empower us so radically that we would get no glory. That people would see our works and glorify God.”


“It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But it’s absolutely vital to grasp that He didn’t call you there so you could settle in and live out your life in comfort and superficial peace. His purposes are not random or arbitrary. If you are still alive on this planet, it’s because He has something for you to do.”


“God wants us to be clear on what we are getting into. He wants us to know that His gift of the Holy Spirit is really not for our own pleasure or purposes. The Spirit is meant to lead us toward holiness. The Spirit is here with us to accomplish God’s purposes, not ours.”

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

New Things with Dust

"Dust we are,
and to dust we shall return.
But God can do new things with dust." -N.T. Wright

...You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of dust.
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us...

...God is so good.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Things I Love About November

Okay, the title is a bit deceiving...this blog is actually more about Fall in general, but I missed that memo over a month ago. So I'm replacing "Fall" with "November" and calling it a victory.

I think Fall is one of the most distinct seasons. Well, maybe not in Southern California :) but up here, there is a definite change. New color schemes, new foods, new clothing (layers!!) many fun things. I felt so inspired by this wonderful season that I decided to make a blog dedicated to some of the reasons I love it.

...Alright, let's be real...I'm also procrastinating on some homework. But I feel inspired nonetheless :)

Here we go. Things I love about November/Fall:

1. Thanksgiving! Such a fun holiday with such good food
2. my Mama's birthday on the 13th!
3. Drinking hot chocolate because it's actually cold outside, not just because it's so good
4. Scarves
5. All the yummy soups Katie is making...I'm falling in love with butternut squash
6. cozy blankets
7. Now that I live in Seattle, the pretty fall leaves
8. red, orange, yellow, brown, and green

9. And of course...November means only one more month until Christmas time :)