Monday, November 29, 2010

Where I'm At

I got this idea from my friend’s blog, and she got the idea from about 3 other people. I guess it’s becoming a blogging theme. I liked the idea though. Stopping, taking inventory. Using minimal words. Eliminating the fluff of life and simplifying it down to the basics.

This is where I’m at right now:

I’m sitting in my kitchen in Seattle, watching Katie Hill create another masterpiece of a meal. Tonight’s chili is sure to be a wonderful contrast to the 40 degree weather outside.

Joe Purdy is playing in the background. I’ve been enjoying a lot of mellow music lately. I feel like life is so busy and somehow, playing calm music just slows everything down.

The sun came out for a bit yesterday, and it wasn’t until I could feel it on my back that I realized how much I miss it.

I am 9 days from completing my first quarter as an SPU student. That flew by.

Lately, I’ve been learning a lot about how difficult it is to be loving and gracious, but also how necessary it is.

I have a headache right now, which is just making me less motivated to do homework. Praying for more snow days. Maybe just until finals are over? :)

I’m excited to go to Reality over Christmas break. I feel like I encounter the Lord in amazing ways when I’m there, and it just seems like this is how church is to be done.

I’ve been more and more thankful for my friends lately. Those precious people in your life who just completely understand you and love you for who you are…I’m realizing not everyone has that, and I’m thankful that God has been so gracious to provide those relationships in my life.

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