1. I was inside making them lunch when I heard them screaming and laughing outside...I went to see what was happening, and they had the hose on and were spraying it into the sandbox. Chloe is soaked and Kian is sitting in the wet sand, both of them fully clothed. I asked what they were doing and Chloe said, "Alex! We're playing beach! Want to sit in the sand?" Points for creativity.
2. Kian was playing with these rubber band type toys....hard to explain...but he lost one of them and was getting upset. Chloe stepped in to help and said, "That's okay. He has lots of rubbers." :)
3. Me: "Do you need a Kleenex? Do you have boogers in your nose?"
Kian: "I did but I took them out cause I didn't need them anymore."
4. Kian was playing on their backyard jungle gym and when he was climbing up this wall, I went over to help and he said, "No, don't help me. Boys don't need help. Boys can do anything they want."
5. Chloe: "Does God hear us?"
Me: "Yes, He does. He hears everything you say."
Chloe: "But how? He's all the way up in heaven...(then answering her own question)...I guess he just has really good ears."
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