Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Finally getting nervous

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Cool, Mom and Dad
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Learning How to Die
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I know the plans I have for you...
Okay, it’s official.
Next fall, I am transferring up to Seattle Pacific University.
Wow, it’s weird to say that. I am going to go to school in Seattle. Not Azusa. Seattle. I think it’s for the best. Well, I know it’s for the best.
It’s been a really long process, thinking about it, praying about it, figuring out logistics, deciding if I really could do it….but now that I’m finally here, I know this is right. For so many months now, I have been praying that God would give me peace and clarity about whatever I choose, whether to stay in Azusa or go to Seattle. Looking back, I feel like I’ve had that peace all along but thinking about leaving APU is hard. I have made a lot of wonderful friends here and I think it’s an absolutely incredible school. But going to Seattle is something I need to do for myself.
I have wanted to go to SPU and live in Seattle for almost five years now. And looking back, I can’t remember anything I wanted five years ago that I still want today. Other than getting married. J I just feel like, if this has been a constant desire of mine for that long, I need to give it a shot. Because I know myself and I know if I don’t go up there, I will ALWAYS wonder “what if?”
So, next Fall, I’m taking a leave of absence from APU and going up to Seattle. That way, if I get up there and hate it (which I don’t foresee happening, but you never know) I can always come back to APU really easily. But I have to go. I can feel my excitement building whenever I talk about it. I remember how long I’ve wanted this and I think…just go for it.
I think I’m also ready to get out of Southern California. Which I know is kind of humorous considering I’m going to spend four months in South Africa (AHHHH!!!) but I think I want to settle down here, and before I do that, I want to live somewhere else. Experience a different culture within the United States, actually have seasons, be even more independent from my parents than I am now…all of it just sounds so exciting. And my prayer for all of this was that if I’m supposed to go, that God would open the doors that needed to be open. And he opened every single one. Housing, classes, transferring units, transcripts, the minor I wanted, graduating in four years still….everything will work out perfectly.
It’s weird now though. These past few months, I had no idea this would be my last semester at APU. Well, on APU’s campus. Heading into finals week, this is my last week here. And as sad as it is, I can say that with complete peace.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
Lately, God’s plans have not been taking me down the path I would have predicted a year ago. It’s looking very, very different. But through it all, I have found this joy in the Lord that I’ve never known before. There is something so powerful about blindly following God and obeying His plan for you, even when you don’t understand it. I think that faith in Him can bring so much joy, and it’s a joy I have been blessed to experience lately. So, although I’m really sad to leave Azusa and it will definitely be weird to not be at this school any longer, God has given me a peace and a joy that helps me know it’s the right decision.
And I can’t wait to see what God’s future for me holds.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
He does come.
Roommate fun

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
8 days
- A whole month with my family
- A whole month with my best friends
- Katie Hahn's Christmas party
- The Greig's Christmas party
- Best friends (I'm really excited so it goes on the list twice)
- New Years Eve
- Christmas!!!!
- Walks on the beach/maybe going to the beach if it's warm enough??
- Snapper Jacks
Monday, December 7, 2009
For you are my hope...
It’s pretty amazing how deep the wound of gossip can go. It’s often disregarded as a small sin and something that isn’t that big of a deal, but it sucks. It really sucks. I think people just want to be included, to be able to say that they know what happened and contribute to a conversation that no one really needs to be part of. But those words hurt. One person says something, they tell three people, who tell two people, who tell a whole group and it eventually becomes so twisted.
I just want people to know the truth. Well, no. I just want people to not talk about it. It’s none of their business anyway.
I suppose I don’t really have the right to complain. Lord knows I’ve talked about people when I shouldn’t have. I think this whole situation though has made me realize how hurtful it can be. It’s made me realize why it’s a sin and how it affects those who are being talked about.
I’ve been praying lately that I could ignore all the comments people have made, and simply find peace in the Lord. People will always talk but my confidence must be found in Christ.
“Most blessed is the man who believes in, trusts in, and relies on the Lord, and whose hope and confidence the Lord is.” –Jeremiah 17:7
“For you are my hope; O Lord God, You my trust from my youth and the source of my confidence.” –Psalm 71:5

What a weekend.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Pray for Daisy

Pray for Daisy.
It's such a simple statement, yet so powerful. Britt & Kate Merrick's daughter Daisy Love has been diagnosed with cancer, and I just spent the last hour reading through her entire blog, which you can read here. Reading about just the incredible miracles the Lord has performed and the courage of Daisy and her family...it is amazing to me. One thing that stuck out to me was an entry, only a sentence long, but so incredibly powerful. 5-year-old Daisy Love said this:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
P.S. Shout out to Shannon Snyder for teaching me how to do the links!! Thanks girl! :)
P.P.S. Yes, this is my second blog today. Oh well.
Okay, that's all! :)
Too many to declare
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Light Has Come
The years fighting have left you scarred
Wait the light will come
To the one with the distant eyes
All this crying has left you dry
Wait the light will come
Wait the light will come
Lift your eyes
The sun has overcome the night
Come alive
As we shine in loves true light
Here is laughter beyond the tears
Here is courage to face your fears
Look the light has come
So rise you daughters and stand you sons
Claim the victory that Jesus won
Look the Light has come
Look the Light has come

Friday, November 27, 2009
The Morning After
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
It’s Thanksgiving Day. YAY!
I really love this holiday. Although no holiday can ever beat Christmas (you bet I’m already listening to Christmas music :)), Thanksgiving is wonderful. There is no stress of having to buy presents, and you get to spend the entire day with family eating really good food.
Talk about a dream.
In honor of this wonderful holiday, I decided to list a few things I am thankful for. And just to make it fun, I’ll do the top 26, since today is the 26th.
1. The Lord and his unending love and mercy for me
2. My family
3. All of my incredible friends
4. That I have the opportunity to go to a 4-year university
5. That I have a place like Ventura to call home
6. The beach
7. My AC leader and group
8. My opportunity to go to South Africa next semester
9. That I serve a God who hears my prayers
10. Laughter
11. Flowers (especially gerber daises, roses, and tulips)
12. Okay, let’s be honest…I’m REALLY thankful for Arizona Iced Teas
13. All the ways I’ve grown this past semester
14. The times I’ve been able to travel around the country and the world
15. A really good book or piece of art
16. Pictures
17. Pita chips and hummus…YUM.
18. My high school experience
19. Good music that can fit any mood (specifically Taylor Swift, Coldplay, & Phil Wickham)
20. My pillow
21. Yummy smelling candles/lotions/perfumes…I guess just good smells :)
22. Tea
23. Girlfriends who are more encouraging and supportive and fun than I could have ever asked for
24. Umm…it keeps coming to mind so I guess I’ll just say it…The Office. Haha
25. Snapper Jacks, Chipotle, The Habit, In N Out, Urban Café…all the food I’m going to crave next semester
26. Love. As cliché as it sounds, everything in my life I am thankful for can be summed up into that one word. I am thankful for love.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
AC Group

Friday, November 20, 2009
Crazy weekend
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Just a little soap and water
Friday, November 13, 2009
Just life.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Hands of the Lord
The past few weeks have been rough. Feeling really lonely and confused. Questioning things that happened and words that were said. But, as I’ve said before, I have found so much peace in the Lord. And lately, that peace has been found while thinking about the hands of the Lord.
For me, especially when going through a hard time, I find a song or two and just cling to them. Usually worship songs, and they bring some sort of hope and encouragement. And I do this a lot. I could pick out songs that represent a certain time period in my life, whether grief or joy. And this time in my life is no exception. The two songs I have had on repeat lately are “Safe” by Phil Wickham and “Your Hands” by JJ Heller. Here are the (modified) lyrics to both:
“Safe” by Phil Wickham
To the one who’s dreams are falling all apart
And all you’re left with is a tired and broken heart
I can tell by your eyes you think you’re on your own
But you’re not alone
Have you heard of the One who can calm the raging seas
Give sight to the blind, pull the lame up to their feet
With a love so strong, it’ll never let you go
Oh you’re not alone
You will be safe in His arms
You will be safe in His arms
Cause the hands that hold the world are holding your heart
This is the promise He made
He will be with you always
When everything is falling apart
You will be safe in His arms
These are the hands that built the mountains
The hands that calm the seas
These are the arms that hold the heavens
They’re holding you and me
These are hands that healed the leper
Pulled the lame up to their feet
These are the arms that were nailed to a cross
To break our chains and set us free
“Your Hands” by JJ Heller
I have unanswered prayers
I have trouble I wish wasn’t there
And I have asked a thousand ways
That You would take my pain away
That You would take my pain away
I am trying to understand
How to walk this weary land
Make straight the paths that crookedly lie
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
Oh Lord, before these feet of mine
When my world is shaking
Heaven stands
When my heart is breaking
I never leave Your hands
When You walked upon the Earth
You healed the broken, lost, and hurt
I know You hate to see me cry
One day You will set all things right
Yeah, one day You will set all things right
Your hands
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
Your hands that shape the world
Are holding me, they hold me still
In that first Phil Wickham song, I love that line that says “The hands that hold the world are holding your heart.” Think about that.
We serve a God that is holding our hearts. He is in control of the heavens, the oceans, the mountains, and all creatures on this Earth. He holds all those things in His hands, and in the midst of it all is our hearts. Our precious hearts that He treasures so deeply.
It’s been a tough month on hearts. Not just for me, but for multiple people around me. But even when it feels so hopeless, so hard to process everything that has changed, so overwhelming to just get through the day, what comfort we have. The King of Kings is holding our hearts in His hands.
I also love this JJ Heller song. God never promised our lives would be easy. Especially as dedicated Christians who are desperately striving to follow Him and live the life He’s called us to. He said it would be hard. That we would have to pick up our cross to follow Him. And she alludes to that in this song. But, in the midst of all the hardship, we will never leave His hands. His hands are holding us still. I think that’s one of my favorite parts of the song. I know for me, when I’m dealing with something, my heart is all over the place. Very up and down emotionally, trying to process it all, trying to fix it even though the only “fixing” that can occur is time, hoping that I’ll wake up and it will all just go away or go back to normal…my heart just goes on overdrive. But Jesus is holding our hearts. He’s holding them still, just like the verse says. To be still and know that He is God. Even in heartache, He is God and wants us to just be still with Him.
I don’t know what it is about the imagery of hands right now. Why I love it so much or what the power is behind it. But knowing that I am being held and am safe in the Lord’s hands…that’s all I could ask for.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
He has overcome.
A hint, or whisper
Fill me with life
'Cause I am listening
Come break the quiet
Breathe your awakening
Bring me the light
'Cause I am fading
Surround me with the rush of angels' wings
Shine Your light so I can see You
Pull me up, I need to be near You
Hold me, I need to feel loved
Can You overcome this heart that's overcome?
You sent a sign
The hint, O whisper
Human, divine
Everyone is listening
Death laid low
Quiet in the night is stirring
All around the rush of angels
O the wonder of the greatest love has come
Shine Your light so all can see it
Lifted up, 'cause the whole world needs it
Love has come, what joy to hear it
He has overcome, He has overcome
The last month of my life was more overwhelming than any in my whole life. At least, as far as I can remember. And looking back, it's amazing how faithful God has been. In chapel this morning, the speaker was talking about how God loves someone who is at the end of their rope. Who has no where else to go and is face down, crying out for the Lord to help them. To bring wisdom to a situation. To overcome it all.
I can't remember many times that I have been face down before God. Maybe once before. But a couple weeks ago, I spent a good half hour on the ground, crying out to God and asking for guidance. Then again, just this weekend, I was face down before Him, crying out for forgiveness. It's unreal how willing He is to rush to the rescue. Even me being the imperfect sinner that I am, He's always there to help me climb back up that rope.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
A Beauty Worth Pursuing
Friday, October 30, 2009
A Loss
Friday, October 23, 2009
Long week
- Lots and lots of conversations with friends
- A brand new journal, already 1/4 full
- Jeremiah 29:11-13
- Daniel Hahn's sermon on October 19
- More honest and vulnerable prayer than I've ever experienced.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
We are the Daughters of the King
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
An Instrument of Peace
Saturday, October 3, 2009
What a beautiful day
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
A little piece of encouragement
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sleepovers, pictures, and laughter
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Checked Out
I am a little frustrated at how inconsistent I’ve been with this blog since I came to school. I suppose it’s only natural…I have started school which adds hours upon hours of classes and homework. And I got my Alpha group and have been hanging out with them! So much fun. J But I still wish I had more time for this. To just write and get my thoughts out. For me, writing is just as essential as sleeping or eating. I crave it.
I’ve been feeling pretty checked out lately. I haven’t felt well rested since beginning of August probably. And there have just been so many things happening in the past month that I needed to be mentally & emotionally present for, and now that all of that is dwindling down, I find myself just kind of going through the motions. Going to class and not fully engaging or even conversations with friends...I don’t know what it is but I feel like I have nothing left to give. I have poured myself out to so many different places and I am just in a place of desperation for the Lord to refill me.
My life has been good though. Lots of fun, exciting things. I am absolutely in love with my Alpha group. I have 4 girls and 1 boy, which is funny since we’re supposed to have 10-12 students. It’s also funny because it is so typical of APU’s guy/girl ratio. J But it’s been just a joy to see all of their personalities light up. And they all get along with each other so well, which is something I really prayed for. Thank you, Lord. We’re having our first official meeting next week and I’m planning on sharing my life story with them...I’m a little nervous but I think it will be a good way to just put myself on the same level as them: a complete sinner who has no idea what they’re doing. Just trying to please Jesus and enjoy living throughout the day.
For anyone who actually reads this, if you get a chance or remember, please pray for wisdom and the ability to just really hear God’s voice. There’s so much going on right now and I just feel like I’m too bombarded to process any of it. Like I said, completely checked out.
This verse gives me comfort though. Maybe, if you need it, it will give you some as well…
“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.” –Psalm 68:19-20
Checked Out
I am a little frustrated at how inconsistent I’ve been with this blog since I came to school. I suppose it’s only natural…I have started school which adds hours upon hours of classes and homework. And I got my Alpha group and have been hanging out with them! So much fun. J But I still wish I had more time for this. To just write and get my thoughts out. For me, writing is just as essential as sleeping or eating. I crave it.
I’ve been feeling pretty checked out lately. I haven’t felt well rested since beginning of August probably. And there have just been so many things happening in the past month that I needed to be mentally & emotionally present for, and now that all of that is dwindling down, I find myself just kind of going through the motions. Going to class and not fully engaging or even conversations with friends...I don’t know what it is but I feel like I have nothing left to give. I have poured myself out to so many different places and I am just in a place of desperation for the Lord to refill me.
My life has been good though. Lots of fun, exciting things. I am absolutely in love with my Alpha group. I have 4 girls and 1 boy, which is funny since we’re supposed to have 10-12 students. It’s also funny because it is so typical of APU’s guy/girl ratio. J But it’s been just a joy to see all of their personalities light up. And they all get along with each other so well, which is something I really prayed for. Thank you, Lord. We’re having our first official meeting next week and I’m planning on sharing my life story with them...I’m a little nervous but I think it will be a good way to just put myself on the same level as them: a complete sinner who has no idea what they’re doing. Just trying to please Jesus and enjoy living throughout the day.
For anyone who actually reads this, if you get a chance or remember, please pray for wisdom and the ability to just really hear God’s voice. There’s so much going on right now and I just feel like I’m too bombarded to process any of it. Like I said, completely checked out.
This verse gives me comfort though. Maybe, if you need it, it will give you some as well…
“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens. Our God is a God who saves; from the Sovereign Lord comes escape from death.” –Psalm 68:19-20
Thursday, September 3, 2009
All who are thirsty
Monday, August 31, 2009
Bridges Debrief
Okay, so a lot of people have been asking me about Bridges, wanting to know how it went and what we did. Also, I never process better than when I write down all my thoughts so this will be a good debrief for me. For those of you who may not know, Bridges is part of my Alpha Training and it’s a week spent in San Francisco, doing different sorts of ministries, mainly revolving around the homeless district (the Tenderloin) in that city.
To be honest, the first part of it was hard for me. We went to the YWAM base in San Francisco, which is the same place I went to all four years of high school for spring break missions trips. I was really disappointed when we pulled up to the building. I thought that, because I had been before, my experience would be different than every other person on this trip. That it would somehow be less because nothing was new for me. I couldn’t have been more wrong but that’s later in the week J. It was also a weird experience because I was so used to being in that place with people from CPC/Ventura and now, here I was with all my friends from APU. It just felt like my worlds were colliding. I would walk in, expecting to see Tyler or Kalie or my mom, and instead saw people from Azusa. Very, very weird.
The first morning, we walked across the Golden Gate Bridge (my first time ever!) and it was actually a really neat experience. I really prayed that God would humble me and take away any pride I may feel from having been there before. And also that I wouldn’t become lethargic about the week and just assume God wouldn’t be able to teach me anything because of my previous experience. And boy, did he answer my prayers. He moved in huge ways and not only opened my eyes to things, but completely changed my heart.
Something I’ve always had a really hard time with is God’s justice. I just feel like there is so much brokenness in the world: children dying of poverty, broken families, women & children forced into slavery (whether that be sex trafficking, sweat shops, forced labor, etc), people living on the streets…and so much more. And it’s just all around us. So a big part of my faith has been trying to understand how God chooses to administer His justice. There are so many things that are so unfair and just heart-breaking and it doesn’t always make sense to me that a loving, merciful, just God would allow these things to happen. And it’s also hard not to feel guilty about it. Like, spending an entire day serving homeless people lunch and hearing their sad, sad stories and then getting fed a gourmet feast…it just felt wrong somehow.

And why did God bless me with two loving parents? A house to live in? A country built off of human freedoms? It just doesn’t make sense to me. So I spent a lot of time this week really praying about that and searching for some answers. I haven’t found a solid answer yet…and probably never will…but did find peace in the fact that God is all-knowing and even when I can’t see it, He has a plan.
Another thing I really dealt with was choosing God’s plan over my own. So often, I get really caught up in planning my future that I just completely leave God out of it. And it will even be with things that should be solely focused on the Lord. Like, ministries I want to get involved in or ways I want to serve…I don’t always pray about it and ask God where He wants me. I will instead just choose where I think I have a passion. And it’s not even that I should just be consulting God about it; I should be coming to Him with a blank slate, fully willing to serve in whatever capacity He calls me to. Which is definitely not easy, but now that I’m aware of this, it’s something I can work on.
And now, perhaps the biggest thing God did in my life and the largest way He answered my prayers from the bridge that morning…One day, we went on a prayer walk to Union Station. We stopped once we got there and Amanda (my AC leader) told us to take a couple minutes to just walk around and see what the Lord opens our eyes to. While we were there, there was some sort of jazz festival going on. There were hundreds of people sitting around, getting dinner & drinks, hanging out together just enjoying their luxurious evening. Then I walked around to the back of the stage and saw two homeless men, sleeping. And my first thought was, “How typical.” I just felt like, “These people are all out there having a wonderful evening while these men are suffering.” And I began to pray for God to open their eyes to the brokenness merely 10 yards away from them. And God, in his divine voice, gently said, “What about your eyes?” And it just completely hit me: Sure, my eyes are open while I’m on a mission trip but what about at home? I complain about San Franciscans ignoring the Tenderloin District but I go home and avoid the Avenue or bad areas of Oxnard. I’m no better than any of them. So then I began to pray for God to open my eyes. That I would realize my sin and turn from it. And the two things I heard the Lord say to me were “You cannot live an ordinary life” and “You could do so much for me if you would just try.” I’m often so busy and think that one missions trip a year is “enough”. But God wants my eyes to be open all the time. On a Tuesday afternoon while walking to class. All the time. And while I was sitting among people I would normally feel so comfortable with, I felt God saying that I can’t live this way. That I need to do something extraordinary. I want to love the people that the world says are unlovable. I want God to take my life, this broken and ordinary life, and do something radical with it. Something revolutionary. Something extraordinary.
On the last morning there, we were taken back to the Golden Gate Bridge. This time, we walked the opposite way across it and just prayed over the past week. For me personally, it was incredible. First of all, it was the most beautiful day. Perfectly clear and warm...which is such a blessing from God, to see His beauty in such a tangible way.

So now that I’m back home, I’m trying to figure out what it means to live an extraordinary life. And how to serve Him best with my life. It’s definitely a process and something I need to pray about a lot, but I really feel like just in the past few days, my heart has changed. That God really has broken down SO much of the pride I had and replaced it with gratitude and humility and selflessness. Of course, this journey is never over and I am far from perfecting these areas in my life but being aware of this is just the first step. And, for the first time in a long time, I’m so excited about how God is going to break me and re-mold me. What a joy.
Sorry if this was all over the place. I’m very much still processing it all and haven’t fully grasped it. Truthfully, this was part of my debriefing just for my own heart. So thank you for listening J To sum it up: God is so unbelievably good and I can’t wait to learn more about how to live as an ordinary radical.