Friday, June 19, 2009


Okay, so just in case anyone reading this doesn't know, I'm going to give a little background information....

When I was first looking into APU while I was applying to colleges, I heard that they had a study abroad program in South Africa. Immediately, I was intrigued. I had never even heard of a school doing that before. And then when I went to APU in the fall, I began to look more and more into it. Tyler went in September and seeing his pictures of all the kids and townships out just broke my heart. Literally. There were multiple occasions where I was in chapel or class and just started sobbing, picturing these kids and their lives. God was softening my heart towards this country and it's people.

So, I began praying about going on the study abroad trip in Spring 2010. That's always when I imagined I would study abroad and academically, it worked out the best for me. I went to my academic advisor to make sure it would work with my classes/major, etc. And looking back, I think subconsciouly I was sort of testing God. Ya know, like if it all worked out then it's His plan but if it doesn't, then maybe it wasn't mean to be. Which the Bible blatantly says not to do, but I was pretty scared at the thought of spending 4 months in this country. But, because the Lord is SO good, everything worked out perfectly. A lot of times, studying abroad puts students behind a little bit academically but my advisor and I worked out the next few semesters so that I was able to save classes for the trip. I would be able to take 17 units and only 3 of them will be extra credit. The rest would actually count towards my major or they are general ed classes. Thank you, God!

So then, I just had to apply. I spent months working on my application and writing my essays. I wanted every word to just be absolutely perfect. And when I went to go turn it in to the study abroad office, I nearly felt sick with exitement and anxiety. I have never felt God put something this much on my heart. It was so ridiculous, there was no possible way I could ignore it. I really felt like this trip was something I had to do. So I turned the application in a few weeks before school got out and....drum roll please....


I just got the email today. It's actually really funny because I haven't checked my school email since we got out for summer. I mean, why would I, right? :) But today--totally out of the blue--I decide to check it. And there was my acceptance email. And the crazy part is....they had only sent the email ONE HOUR before I checked it. I mean, maybe that's not a big deal to anyone else but I just think that's such a God thing. I've been praying about this since September and have gone through a LOT of ups and downs with it. So it was such a blessing that God would allow me to find out as soon as I possibly could.

And now, I'm just completely giddy about the whole thing. The adventure of it all totally thrills and terrifys me but I feel so at peace about this! I know this is where I'm supposed to be and when I'm supposed to go. I'm just so thankful that the Lord orchestrated it perfectly! So if you all could start your prayers for me now, I would really appreciate it! :) I know I'll get home sick and struggle with culture shock and be totally, utterly overwhelmed but at the same time, so excited to be in the place God has called me to.

I once heard someone say, "There's something so powerful about dialing into the sweet spot of what God has designed you for. There's nothing like it" I couldn't agree more and feel like this is something God designed for me. I absolutely cannot wait.

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